If you are using this website it probably means that either you or someone close to you has sadly lost a baby through miscarriage, whether recently or some time ago. All of us at The Miscarriage Association of Ireland have had personal experience of miscarriage and we are here to help and support you through peer to peer support when you need us.
We hope this site will be of help especially to the Mums and Dads of the precious lost baby, but also to grandparents, brothers, sisters, relatives and friends who love and support us. Each one of us copes differently with the loss of our baby and the loss of our future hopes and dreams for that child.
Many women blame themselves, whether consciously or not, following a miscarriage. This is a normal reaction. However it is important to know that miscarriage is not your fault. It is out of your control and it is very rare that a miscarriage can be caused by something that you did or didn’t do.
There are different types of miscarriage with differing amounts of pain or severity. All miscarriage is sad and means the loss of your precious baby. Whatever your situation, even if you are worried and unsure if you are having a miscarriage, you should contact your doctor or hospital.
Sometimes, when we are faced with miscarriage, we feel lost and alone and feel like we are the only one that this has happened to. We soon realise that miscarriage is much more common than that. About one in every five pregnancies in Ireland end in miscarriage. That is approximately 50 miscarriages a day.
The Miscarriage Association of Ireland holds in-person peer to peer support meetings, once a month in Dublin and the Mid-West (Limerick/Clare), every two months in Cork, Galway and Westmeath and regularly in Louth, where people can meet in a supportive environment and, if they wish, they can share their experiences with others who have had similar experiences. We also hold on-line peer to peer support meetings (via Zoom) every second month for those who cannot attend a meeting in person.
We also have a Helpline available Monday to Friday from 10am to 12 noon and 8pm to 10pm for those in need of support, understanding and a listening ear.
Although everyone’s experience of losing a baby (babies) through miscarriage can be different, we have all suffered the loss of our hopes & dreams for that baby (babies). Reading other people’s stories can help us feel less alone.
If you would like to share your story with us please get in touch via email at info@miscarriage.ie
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